AYUS = Life / Longevity – „VEDA“ = Knowledge /Wisdon /Spiritual science of Life. The oldest health care system in the world with roots going back over 5000 years into the Vedic Era. No wonder it has been called the „Mother of all Healing“. Is the Science and Wisdom of Life, the Art of living a long life in a manner that brings balance, harmony and Health to Our Body, Mind and Soul . 

The essence of Ayurveda is to “add life to years and not years to life”. We have learned how to make a living but not a life! The wisdom of Ayurveda is recorded in “Sankrit”, the ancient language of India.

Ayurvedic tradition has identified 3 basic biological humors or the 3 Managers of our body called „Tridoshas“ with the 5 Elements applicable to our 5 senses:

  • Vata – composed of ether (space) & air – associated with hearing & touch
  • Pitta – composed of fire & water – associated with sight & taste
  • Kapha – composed of earth & water – smell & taste

Diagnosis is the way out to give „Therapy“ or „Treatment“ unique to each individual focusing not on the symtoms of the disease but on the causes of it taking into account the body, mind and soul as a whole. 

The concept of ayurvedic treatment is that conditions are corrected by their opposite : Opposites cure each other OR Like increases like. Ayurveda uses opposites qualities to balance the health and cure the disease. This also applies to the psychological level.