The Locals

  • Nabhi Marma – Abdomen & Belly massage  – 1 h. sfr 120 and with herbal stamps  or  herbal fumigration sfr 140 –  to reinforce digestion and to treat emotional congestion .– 

This therapy, also known as Chakra/Nabhi Basti, helps to balance the Nabhi Marma – the vital center where all 72,000 nadis (subtle energy pathways) converge. This massage is performed with a gentle abdominal oil application with specific herbal oil. It can also be done as an alternative by filling a dam made out of dough and placing it over your navel area with lukewarm medicated oil or ghee, depending on your needs.

Excellent against flatulences, acute stress, circulatory disorders, rage or fury in the belly, irregular menstruation, mental and emotional disorders, emotional obstruction. Help against cramps, colics, acid reflux, nervousness, gastric acid, undigested, unresolved and negative emotions and feelings.


  • Strengthens the power of digestion and absorption
  • Facilitates the release of deeply seated emotions
  • Relieves digestives symptons such as irritable bowel, flatulence, poor appetite, constipation and abdominal discomfort
  • Decreases all the tension specially the anger in our belly

  • Improves your sleep

  • Ideal for any digestive disorders, lower abdomen pain, renal and cystic disorders as well as post-operative care and


  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Diseases in the gastrointestinal tract , morbus crohn, colitis ulcerosa
  • Inflammations and Infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Tumors


  • Padabhyanga- the foot massage par excellence with Ghee & hot stones – 1 h. sfr 130.–

A lovely, enjoyable, wonderful acupressure massage, treating the nerves from many organs as they terminate in ouf feet. This massage helps to strenthen these nerves and resttores health to many parts of the body. The marma – vital points – are massaged, which gives balance to your dosha and is very helpful for people suffering from insomnia, fatigue and cramps. It helps to calm the mind.  


  • Energizes our whole organism
  • Promotes quality sleep, help with nervousness & restlessness in the mind
  • Helps maintain eyesight and hearing
  • Improves peripheral circulation
  • Alleviates pain, improves muscle tone and
  • Helps prevent sciatica
  • Excellent against roughness, horny skin, fissures, and stiffness 
  • Helps against fatigue
  • Gives the feet stability, energy and softness
  • Helps to calm and maintain the Vata-Dosha


  • Open wounds on the feet
  • Extreme fungal infection in the feet 
  • Varicose veins with thrombose
  • Skin disease in the feet