The Back-Spine

UPANAHASVEDHA– Special back massage with Honig or with Hot stones and with herbal steam bath – 1 ½ h. sfr 200.–

Special Back and Spine massage with herbal paste, warm wraps and a herbal steam bath.

Effective at alleviating pain, anti-inflammatory, regenerative for  the back and the spine. The medicinal herbs wrap brings a deep thermal palliation. Excellent against lumbago, gout, arthritis,  rheumatism, joints and muscle disorders, and spinal disc regeneration.

Tension and  hardening at the back, shoulder and cervicals  appear by accrued emotions and energy blockade and prevent the energy to flow freely causing you pain.


  • Act as alleviation for muscle cramps, tension and back ache.
  • Spinal disc regeneration, Lumbago
  • Reduces the stiffness in the body and rigidity in the organs
  • Lightness 


  • Acute prolapse
  • Degenerative Spondylophyte – alteration in vertebral body
  • Acute spams
  • Acute Inflammation 


Honig massage – combined with other Therapies 

If the honig massage is an unconventional art of medicinal treatment , the most people in India have use it since more than 1000 years for healing purposes.

The essence of the honig massage, is the utilization of honig as a substance, with gluing and feeding qualities.

The purpose of this massage is to clean the old & dead cells and remove the tartrates and toxins out of the organs via the skin. The massage improves our blood circulation, the tissues are loose and healthier, the muschle more relaxed, the mobility stronger, the reflexzone and meridiens area acitivated. On top of that it cleans and nourish the skin. .

It is a very relaxing experience because the skin wins a high elasticity. It activates the metabolism, promotes the blood circulation, improves the elimination over the pores and the kidneys, relieves the organism from tissue slacks, sebum, salts, sticky sweat, invigorates and vitalizes the whole body , cleans the skin and is excellent against sediments and by regulation disorders.

Feature: this massage form does NOT serve as a relaxation. The main purpose is the detoxification of the body, specially the musculo-skeletal system. This treatment can very well be applied either as an extra or combined or as a single treatment. In case of back ache or heavy pressure of the musculo-skeletal system, it is recommended a serial of 4 to 7 treatments.



  • Detoxification and purification 
  • Spells the toxins out and cleans the skin
  • By regulation disorders specially on the cardio-circulatory problems
  • By chronical catarrh and cold
  • Activate the metabolism
  • Help against the chronic Fatigue


  • Emaciation
  • High Vata-Dosha
  • Honig allergy
  • Open wounds
  • Skin problems, eczemas, skin allergy
  • Tumors
  • Gastric ulcer and gastric bleeding
  • Recent stroke
  • High glaucoma – eye compression
  • Thrombosis and hypertony
  • Infections diseases
  • Acute Psoriasis